Criminal Justice Reform

–          Second Chances:

a)      Support rehabilitation and reintegration of ex-offenders into society.

b)      The importance of second chances and redemption,

–          Prison Reform:

a)      Support initiatives aimed at improving prison conditions

b)      Reducing recidivism through education, vocational training, and mental health support.

Expungement and Voting Rights

a) Streamlined expungement processes through implementation of a criteria, guidelines

or procedures to clear criminal backgrounds.

b) Restoring their basic 5-on-5 rights at the Federal & State Level

– Restore their Civil Rights at the Federal and State Level

– Restored the State right to Vote in Texas (Sept 1, 1997).

– Restore the right to hold and seek Public Office

– Restore the right serve on a Jury

– Restore the Second Amendment right to Bear Arms

 Economic Opportunity and Job Creation

– Support for Small Businesses

a) Promoting policies that encourage entrepreneurship and small business development, particularly for ex-offenders.

b)      Propose tax incentives for companies that hire ex-offenders.

c)      Create and establish more 21st century small businesses in District 38th

d)      Reinventing the Small Business Model for the 21st Century

e)       Eliminate red tape, increase resources to strengthening our small business in our District.

– Create a Houston Tech Center – Space Based Job Initiative for Americans

– Implementation of new space equipment tools.

– Invent small equipment for working on a planet or in space

– Create new space suit design

– Learn to build a human habitat inside a planet or in space

–      Workforce Development:

a)      Advocate for job training programs tailored to ex-offenders, ensuring they have the skills needed to succeed in the modern economy.

b)     Partner with community colleges, vocational and trade schools.

–       Public Safety and Community Policing

a)      Proactive Policing: Endorse community policing strategies that build trust between law enforcement and the communities of color they serve.

b)      Highlight the importance of law and order while ensuring fair treatment for all.

–       Support for Law Enforcement:

  a)      Advocate for increased funding for police departments

  b)     Supporting training in de-escalation techniques and cultural competency.

Victim Support:

a) Propose initiatives that support victims of crime, by balancing their needs with the

rights of the accused.                     

b) Focusing on restorative justice.

– Education and Youth Programs

a)      Preventative Programs:

-Support initiatives that prevent youth from entering the criminal justice system,

such as after-school programs, mentorship, and vocational & Technical training.

b)      School Choice:

– Advocate for school choice and voucher programs by giving families the ability  to choose the best educational environment for their children, especially in at-risk communities.

– Support Parental rights in education

– A teacher pay must be Competitive, Fair and Transparent

– Hire talented teachers and treat them as true professional

c)   Civic Education:

– Push for enhanced civic education that teaches young people about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of participating in democracy.

 Healthcare Reform

a)      Mental Health Services:

-Advocate for expanded mental health services, particularly for those with a history of incarceration.

-Propose policies that integrate mental health care into the criminal justice system.

b)      Substance Abuse Treatment:

– Support increased funding for substance abuse treatment programs, both in prisons and in the community to address the root causes of crime.

– Constitutional Term Limits Amendment for Congress and Judicial Members

1) U.S. House Three (3) two-year terms

2) U.S. Senate Two (2) six-year term

3) Federal Court Justices age limit (70 years old)

Tax Reform:

– Advocate for a simpler, fairer tax code that incentivizes work, savings, and investment, with specific provisions to support low-income and middle-class families.

Regulatory Reform:

– Promote deregulation to create a more business-friendly environment, emphasizing the need to reduce unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles for ex-offenders trying to start anew.

America Accountability & Financial Tax Statement

– Every Taxpayer that file an IRS Tax Return

– Where is the TAX MONEY GOING!

–  Fiscal Responsibility and Government Reform

– Reducing Government Waste:

– Propose audits and transparency measures to ensure government programs are effective and funds are being used responsibly, particularly in the criminal justice system.

2)       National Security and Immigration

Strong National Defense:

– Advocate for a robust national defense to protect American interests at home and abroad.

– Legal Immigration Reform:

-Support policies that strengthen border security while creating a fair and efficient legal immigration system.

– Emphasize the need for immigration policies that prioritize the rule of law.

3)      Personal Responsibility and Family Values

Family Reunification:

-Advocate for policies that help ex-offenders reunite with their families and provide support for family counseling and reunification programs.

Faith-Based Initiatives:

-Promote the role of faith-based organizations in rehabilitation and reentry programs, highlighting their success in helping ex-offenders rebuild their lives.

Personal Accountability

– Emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and the role it plays in overcoming past mistakes and contributing positively to society.

Veterans and Military Support

Support for Veteran Ex-Offenders:

Advocate for specialized programs

that address the unique challenges faced by veterans who have been

incarcerated, including mental health support, job training, and housing


– Military Readiness:

Support policies that ensure the U.S. military remains the best-trained,

best-equipped force in the world while also caring for the well-being of

service members and their families.

Constitutional Rights

Second Amendment:

-Defend the Second Amendment and advocate for the rights of law-abiding citizens to bear arms.

– Supporting measures that keep firearms out of the hands of those who pose a danger to society.

– Free Speech:

-Champion the protection of free speech and religious liberty, ensuring that all Americans can express their beliefs without fear of government interference.

– Due Process:        

– Advocate for the protection of due process rights, particularly for those who have been involved in the criminal justice system.

College Loan Give Back to America

– Sign a commitment to Job Corp, Teach for America, or Military Service

– Out of pocket up front expense $5,000.00

– Two years of college x 4 years of Service

– Four years of college x 8 years of Service

– Six years of college x 12 years of Service

– Eight years of college x 16 years of Service

America Accountability & Financial Tax Statement

1)      Property Tax

2)      Taxes on your Home

3)      Taxes for each gallon of gas

4)      Taxes on your public utilities bill

5)      Taxes taken from your paycheck (Payroll Tax)

6)      Taxes on the Purchase of a car

7)      Taxes on any capital gains

8)      Taxes on your profit from savings and investments

9)      Taxes on your outside additional income

– Where is the TAX MONEY GOING!